Tourism SEC Offering Energy Efficiency Workshops
November 20, 2024: Dingle Tourism SEC is offering workshops to local businesses on managing energy bills, implementing efficiency measures and communicating your sustainability story.
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November 20, 2024: Dingle Tourism SEC is offering workshops to local businesses on managing energy bills, implementing efficiency measures and communicating your sustainability story.
Start Date: January 29, 2024
Time: 18:30 – 21:30
24-week academic year course for aspiring and amateur filmmakers, led by Mark McLoughlin, Ciara Barrett & Max Gay.
Date: October 10, 2023
Time: 17:15 – 19:30
Alec Kassin shows you how to build mental resilience, shift your mindset and become more present in this exciting workshop.
Bank Holiday Friday 28/10/22 at our office in Cooleen, Two Turtle Doves, a local coffee roaster from Dingle gave tips on perfecting your coffee at home.
Due to popular demand, Dingle Hub is once again hosting Kevin J. Power’s Philosophy workshop. The workshop will run 8 weeks, from 7th October to 25th November, Friday evenings, 7-9pm.
Champion Changemakers – Méan Fomhair 2022 An bhfuil smaoineamh agatsa a cheapann tú go
Irish dance expert Kelsey Jean Schuhle gave two dance workshops in July.
The Creative Business Workshop was run to promote and support emerging creative businesses in the Kerry area.
This 12-week online course provided an introduction to Irish-language film studies and filmmaking for adults interested in exploring how the Irish language can be utilized via screen media towards a broadening of Irish cultural output.
This course provided an introduction to film studies and filmmaking for adults interested in expanding their knowledge of film, both in practice and in discourse/conversation.
We were delighted to host a Creative Writing Course with the writer and poet Nicholas McLachlan here in the Dingle Hub. The course, a series of 8 evening workshops, was suitable for all levels and covered a variety of writing genres.
Katie Ní Chonghaile of KCDigital gave two workshops on using social media to market your business.
Shane Finn presented two podcasting workshops to a Zoom audience during the Covid lockdown: How To Start A Podcast and How To Market Your Podcast.
Dingle Hub is a non-profit community enterprise connecting innovative, forward-thinking people and organisations – local and national – to develop cooperative approaches to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.
Website Created with care by The Factory