Rince sa Hub / Dance Workshop

Irish Dancer Kelsey Jean SchuhleIn July, we accommodated a public workshop with Irish dance expert Kelsey Jean Schuhle.

Not only is she a professional dancer but is also about to complete her PhD, where she has researched the art of decluttering/balancing the dance. She has been teaching dancers at the University of Limerick for several years and is now offering a special session in Dingle.

Kelsey’s percussive choreography differs from the kind of Irish dance seen in competitive and commercial scenes. She wants to give an opportunity for others to learn this other style, which she demonstrates through videos on her website. The session is suited to competent dancers (from any genre) who are interested in learning her steps.

Workshops were offered on July 2nd and 3rd (10am – 3pm). Cost: €75.

Kelsey’s contact information:

email: schuhlek@gmail.com 

Website: www.kelseyjeanschuhle.com

Social media: @kelseyjeanschuhle