Dingle Hub Update for March 3rd

Coffee & cake

Coffee Mornings 

We want to connect with people who are working from home around the Peninsula and see how we can support this growing community. So, we are going ‘on tour’ to find out where you are and bring together your local remote neighbours! Over the coming months, we plan to hold coffee mornings in the towns and villages outside of Dingle, starting in Annascaul later this month. We will be hosted there by the lovely Báinín Café – date and times to be confirmed.

Ba mhaith linn dul i dteagmháil le daoine atá ag obair ón mbaile timpeall Chorca Dhuibhne agus a fháil amach conas gur féidir linn tacú leis an bpobal seo atá ag méadú an t-am ar fad. Dá bhrí sin beimid ag dul ‘ar turas’ chun sibhse a aimsiú agus chun cuidiú leis na comharsana cianda seo aithne a chur ar a chéile. Sna míonna amach romhainn, tá sé i gceist againn maidineacha caifé  a eagrú sna bailte agus sna sráidbhailte lasmuigh den Daingean, beidh an chéad cheann ar siúl in Abhainn an Scáil sa chaifé gleoite sin Báinín Café – seolfar na sonraí níos déanaí.

Members of the Hub team will be there for you to drop-in and tell us about the advantages and challenges of how you work now (or if you want to start working this way). It will also be a good opportunity to meet others who are in a similar boat, as well as get a change of scene and caffeine!

We know there are lots of you working this way but we don’t have a clear picture of where there are clusters of remote workers, so we need your help. If you think that there is demand for a similar get together in your area, please drop us an email at info@dinglehub.com (Subject: Coffee) or call us. It will be great to connect these communities and get a better picture of who is working where, what they do and want! Keep an eye on our social media for the Annascaul date and future events. 

Beidh sé fíor-dheas na pobail seo a chur i dteagmháil lena chéile agus beidh sé cabhrach dúinn dar ndóigh a fháil amach cá bhfuil na daoine seo, cad atá ar siúl acu agus cad atá ag teastáil uathu! Bígí ag faire amach le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais faoin maidin chaifé in Abhainn an Scáil agus faoi imeachtaí eile amach anseo.

Government backing Hubs 

There are ever more Workspace Hubs like ours appearing around the County and Country, offering facilities for people and companies to work in. We operate within networks of other Hubs so that we can share ideas and ways of working. ‘Connected Hubs’ is the national network and they link up about 200 Hubs across the country, with more joining regularly. It’s a Government backed initiative and is about maximising the opportunity of working remotely.

We’ve received great financial support from this initiative recently which has helped us to improve, for example, our meeting room facilities in the Cooleen office. We now have extra large monitors that allow for interactive video conferencing. A special 360-degree video camera captures the person speaking in the room and shares this with those who can’t attend the meeting in person. (If you think this facility could be helpful for your community organisation, get in touch).

The Department for Rural and Community Development is continuing their support of Remote Working facilities into 2022, with Minister Heather Humphreys recently announcing another €5 million for Hubs across the country. It’s great news for Hubs in Kerry and for people who want to work in them. We hope it will help us improve what we can offer here in Corca Dhuibhne and will keep you posted.

Tá an Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail ag leanúint ar aghaidh i 2022 maoiniú a chur ar fáil do na Moil Chianoibre, d’fhógair an tAire Heather Humphreys go mbeadh maoiniú €5 milliún curtha ar fáil do na Moil fud fad na tíre. Is scéal maith do na Moil i gCiarraí maraon do na daoine a bhfuil ag iarraidh obair a dhéanamh iontu. Tá súil againn go mbeimid in ann feabhas a chur ar na seirbhísí atá curtha ar fáil againn sa Mhol i gCorca Dhuibhne agus coinneofar ar an eolas sibh faoi seo.

Connected Hubs App

Connected Hubs has also launched a mobile phone app that allows you to see all the Hubs across the country. Very handy if you are travelling to another part of Ireland and want to book a desk. The app is also called Connected Hubs and can be downloaded from your app store.

Cabhraigh linn chun cabhrú leat – Suirbhé

Tá do thuairimí fós á lorg againn faoi na bealaí a chuirimid imeachtaí an Mhoil sa Daingean in iúl do dhaoine. Tá suirbhé gairid ar fáil anseo (agus ar ár meáin shóisialta). D’fhéadfá  ceann de thrí phacáiste Deasc Sealaíochta, arbh fhiú €150 an cheann, a bhuachaint! Seol d’iontráil faoi 10 Márta.

Help us help you – Survey

We are still looking for your views on how we communicate the activities of Dingle Hub. Complete this short survey (or via our social media). You might win one of three Dingle Hub Hot Desk packages – worth €150 each! Get your entry in by March 10th.

Blennerville Windmill and Dingle Town Park

We’re thrilled that the Town and Village Renewal Scheme has provided valuable funding on the Peninsula.  Blennerville Windmill was awarded €500,000 to develop a community bakery and bakery school. Dingle Town Park has received nearly €100,000 in order to become a more accessible recreational space.


We want to network people working on Dingle Peninsula, particularly if working (or learning) from home. It’s not necessary to hire our desks or offices to be part of this wider community. Connect on social media and interact with us. If you do want to enquire about using our meeting rooms or workspaces contact us on info@dinglehub.com or 066 9150140.

Ba mhaith linn daoine a chuidiú le haghaidh aithne a chur ar a chéile, go háirithe má tá siad ag obair (nó ag foghlaim) ón mbaile. Ní gá ár deascanna nó oifigí a fháil ar cíos chun a bheith mar chuid den phobal seo. Tá fáilte romhat dul i dteagmháil linn ar mheáin shósialta. Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi úsáid na seomraí cruinnithe nó spáis oibre is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh linn ar info@dinglehub.com066 9150140.