Oifig an Phoist Ceann Trá Demo Their New, Ground-mounted Solar PV System
Solar Beo explains how the Ventry PO Solar PV system works
Ciarán Ó Murchú of Solar Beo explaining how the panels work.

Míle buíochas as Oifig an Phoist Ceann Trá as an lá iontach an tseachtain seo chaite.

Members of the Tourism and Hospitality SEC were invited to see the Oifig an Phoist Ceann Trá ground-mounted Solar PV system. Thank you to Solar Beo who were available on the day to show what was being generated and how it works. And a thank you to Conor Slattery from LEO who informed us that the LEO Energy Efficiency Grant has now been increased from 50% to 75% of eligible costs, up to max €5,000.

These open days are a practical way for people to see a Solar PV system working for a business. We will hold a similar event in September.

SEAI Solar PV grant for your business: https://www.seai.ie/business-and-public-sector/business-grants-and-supports/commercial-solar-pv/

LEO Green for Business: https://www.localenterprise.ie/green