Tá beirt nua tar éis teacht ar bord le Foireann an Mhoil i gCúilín le cúpla seachtain anuas: Tugann Hazel Blennerhasset, Bainisteoir Spás Oibre Chomhroinnte, agus Aodán Ó Conaill, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide, araon na blianta taithí leo isteach ina róil nua.
Níos mó anseo: Preasráiteas Eanáir 2022
We’re delighted to have two new members of the team here at Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub: Hazel and Aodán joined the team in recent weeks.
More here: Press Release January 2022
Hazel Blennerhassett is taking responsibility for the Hub buildings and facilities. This Castlegregory native most recently worked with Fexco and is already heavily involved in upgrading the facilities at Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub.
“I’m excited by the challenges of working with this older building and bringing out the best in it for our users. This is a community workspace with all sorts of exciting projects happening, as well as our own. Each day seeds are sown within these walls for growth across the Peninsula and that makes it a unique place to work – the upgrade works I am prioritising this year will ensure this continues.”

Tá Hazel ag glacadh freagracht as foirgnimh agus áiseanna an Mhoil. Bhí an post is déanaí ag Hazel, gurb as Caisleán Ghriaire di ó dhúchas, le Fexco. Tá sí sáite in uasghrádú na n-áiseanna ag Mol Chorca Dhuibhne cheana féin:
“Is spás oibre pobail é seo le gach saghas tionscadail iontaigh ar siúl ann, anuas ar ár gcuid tionscadal féin. Gach lá bíonn síolta á gcur laistigh d’fhallaí an fhoirgnimh seo a chuirfidh le fás ar fud na leithinse, rud a chiallaíonn gur áit ar leith é le bheith ag obair”
Aodán Ó Conaill from Muiríoch joins the Hub with a brief of communications, which takes in everything from updating the Twitter account to telling journalists about the work of the Hub. Having returned to Muiríoch two years ago, he brings experience from working across many sectors.
“Everything we do is linked to improving people’s futures on this Peninsula, from Blennerville to the Blaskets. As a result, there is strong goodwill towards us and I hope to harness that. I hope to find ways to get people enthused to interact with Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub, online and in real life, particularly on our Dingle Peninsula 2030 initiative. If people can see how we are working for their futures, then they will also know that this Hub is about much more than hiring a desk for a day!”

Tagann Aodán Ó Conaill ar bord leis an Mol agus cúrsaí cumarsáide mar chúram air, rud a chuimsíonn uasdátú an chuntas Twitter, insint d’iriseoirí faoi obair an Mhoil, agus gach saghas rud idir eatarthu. Tar éis dó filleadh chun cur faoi ar an Muirígh dhá bhliain ó shin, beireann sé leis a chuid taithí ó bheith ag obair ins an iliomad earnálacha, postanna le Pairtnéireacht Forbartha Chiarraí Theas agus Radio Kerry san áireamh.
“Bíonn gach rud a bhíonn ar siúl againn bainteach le feabhas a chur ar thodhchaí mhuintir Chorca Dhuibhne, ó Chathair Uí Mhóráin siar go dtí na Blascaodaí. Mar thoradh air sin tá go leor dea-thoil inár leith, agus tá súil agam feidhm a bhaint as sin. Ba mhaith liom slí a aimsiú chun daoine a spreagadh i dtreo cumarsáide agus caidrimh le Mol Chorca Dhuibhne, bíodh sin ar-líne nó ar an bhfíorshaol, go háirithe maidir lenár dtionscnamh Corca Dhuibhne 2030. Más féidir linn é a chur ar shúile na ndaoine go bhfuilimid ag obair ar mhaithe a dtodhachaí siúd, tuigfidh siad go bhfuil i bhfad níos mó i gceist le Mol Chorca Dhuibhne ná deasc a thógaint ar cíos ar feadh lae!”
We’re delighted to have two new members of the team here at Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub: Hazel and Aodán joined the team in recent weeks.
It’s fantastic to find excellent candidates for these roles locally! It’s also gratifying that we can offer income to residents who otherwise might have to look further afield. Hazel and Aodán both left their home-places and spent years working in the UK, so I hope their experiences of returning to Kerry can be mirrored for others who want to return here. I welcome them and I also want to thank Enterprise Ireland who have provided funding for these roles.
Deirdre de Bhailís, General Manager
Tá beirt nua tar éis teacht ar bord le Foireann an Mhoil i gCúilín le cúpla seachtain anuas: Tugann Hazel Blennerhasset, Bainisteoir Spás Oibre Chomhroinnte, agus Aodán Ó Conaill, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide, araon na blianta taithí leo isteach ina róil nua.
Tá sé go hiontach a bheith in ann teacht ar iarrthóirí do na róil seo go háitiúil! Is breá an rud é chomh maith, go bhfuilimid in ann ioncam a chur ar fáil do dhaoine áitiúla a bheadh orthu dul níos faide ó bhaile murach an obair seo. Guím gach rath orthu!
Deirdre de Bhailís, Bainisteoir Gineralta
Helping Aodán and Hazel get to grips with their new roles is Maggie Breen who has been with Dingle Hub since 2019 and has been performing all of these duties up until recently. She is now exclusively focused on supporting the creative community on the Peninsula in her role as Creative Industries Manager. The Ballyferriter resident is dedicated to supporting the development of creative businesses, which includes music, film and animation among others. This feeds into one of the overall aims of the Hub: to support the creation of viable and sustainable incomes. Maggie has this to add:
“I’m eager to engage with artists and those working in the creative spheres across the Peninsula who want support with their businesses. In turn, we will involve them in a network where they can support one another.”

Beidh Maggie Breen ag cabhrú le Hazel agus Aodán agus iad ag dul i dtaithí ar a róil nua. Tá Maggie le Mol Chorca Dhuibhne ó 2019 agus bhí na dualgais seo ar fad mar chúram uirthi go dtí le déanaí. Tá sí anois dírithe isteach ar thacaíocht a chur ar fáil do phobal cruthaitheach na leithinse ina ról mar Bhainisteoir Tionscadal Cruthaitheach. Tá Maggie, atá ag cur fúithi i bParóiste Dhún Urlainn, tiomnaithe do bheith ag tacú le forbairt gnónna cruthaitheacha, le ceol, scannánaíocht agus beochan san áireamh, anuas ar réimsí eile nach iad. Tá sé seo bainteach le ceann de phríomh-chuspóirí an Mhoil: tacú le cruthú ioncam atá inmharthanach agus leordóthanach. Tá seo a leanas le rá ag Maggie:
“Tá faobhar orm caidreamh a chruthú le healaíóntóirí agus siadsan atá ag obair sna réimsí cruthaitheacha atá ag lorg tacaíocht lena ngnónna. Ba mhaith linn iad a thabhairt isteach i ngréasán mar a mbeidh siad in ann tacú lena chéile.”