We have been busy making big changes to the look of Dingle Hub, thanks mainly to funds coming from Connected Hubs, the national network that links up over 200 hubs across Ireland.
New desks and furniture in our meeting rooms that allows for different meeting setups
Interactive Audio Visual Technology that caters for virtual meetings and webinars.
Redecoration of our offices with dramatic new paint colours
Introduction of Sit-Stand desks in the offices (Desks that you can raise to standing height)
We’ve also been able to use our entrance corridor to showcase some dramatic artwork from one of our clients Niamh Kennedy, a local artist who hires a space here.
Coffee Morning 31st March
We want to connect with people who are working from home around the Peninsula and see how we can support this growing community. We are going ‘on tour’ to find out where you are and bring together your local remote neighbours! More information here.
All those working remotely in the wider Annascaul area should join us in Báinín Cafe, Main Street, Annascaul, V92 FP5P. Add it to your diary anois!
Ba mhaith linn dul i dteagmháil le daoine atá ag obair ón mbaile timpeall Chorca Dhuibhne agus a fháil amach conas gur féidir linn tacú leis an bpobal seo atá ag méadú an t-am ar fad. Dá bhrí sin beimid ag dul ‘ar turas’ chun sibhse a aimsiú agus chun cuidiú leis na comharsana cianda seo aithne a chur ar a chéile. Sna míonna amach romhainn, tá sé i gceist againn maidineacha caifé a eagrú sna bailte agus sna sráidbhailte lasmuigh den Daingean.
You can tell us about the advantages and challenges of how you work now (or if you want to start working this way). It will also be a good opportunity to meet others who are in a similar boat, as well as get a change of scene and caffeine!
We know there are lots of you working this way so if you think that there is demand for a similar get together in your area, please drop a note to info@dinglehub.com (Subject: Coffee Morning) or call us. It will be great to connect these communities and get a better picture of who is working where, what they do and want! Keep an eye on our social media for future events.
Beidh sé fíor-dheas na pobail seo a chur i dteagmháil lena chéile agus beidh sé cabhrach dúinn dar ndóigh a fháil amach cá bhfuil na daoine seo, cad atá ar siúl acu agus cad atá ag teastáil uathu! Bígí ag faire amach le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais faoin maidin chaifé agus faoi imeachtaí eile amach anseo.
We want to network people working on Dingle Peninsula, particularly if working (or learning) from home. It’s not necessary to hire our desks or offices to be part of this wider community. Connect on social media and interact with us. If you do want to enquire about using our meeting rooms or workspaces contact us on info@dinglehub.com or 066 9150140.
Dul i dteagmháil
Ba mhaith linn daoine a chuidiú le haghaidh aithne a chur ar a chéile, go háirithe má tá siad ag obair (nó ag foghlaim) ón mbaile. Ní gá ár deascanna nó oifigí a fháil ar cíos chun a bheith mar chuid den phobal seo. Tá fáilte romhat dul i dteagmháil linn ar mheáin shósialta. Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi úsáid na seomraí cruinnithe nó spáis oibre is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh linn ar info@dinglehub.com nó 066 9150140.