Dingle Hub Update for June 9th

Ag teacht le chéile – Remote Workers Get Together

Ba mhaith linn dul i dteagmháil le daoine atá ag obair ón mbaile timpeall Chorca Dhuibhne agus a fháil amach conas gur féidir linn tacú leis an bpobal seo atá ag méadú an t-am ar fad.

Táimíd ‘ar turas’ chun sibhse a aimsiú agus chun cuidiú leis na comharsana cianda seo aithne a chur ar a chéile.

We want to connect with people who are working from home around the Peninsula and see how we can support this growing community. We are ‘on tour’ to find out where you are and bring together your local remote neighbours.

Caint, caife agus craic i gCeann Trá

We recently convened locals from around Ceann Trá / Ventry where we were hosted by Quinn’s Bar / Tigh Uí Chuinn and Siopa Uí Lúing / Ventry Post Office, who provided some lovely home-made snacks. These went down very well with the remote workers who took time-out to get to know others in the same boat as themselves: working from home.

Coffee Morning Ventry Ceann Trá

We recently convened locals from around Ceann Trá / Ventry where we were hosted by Quinn’s Bar / Tigh Uí Chuinn and Siopa Uí Lúing / Ventry Post Office, who provided some lovely home-made snacks. These went down very well with the remote workers who took time-out to get to know others in the same boat as themselves: working from home.

A wide cross-section of job-types and industries were represented as people explained what they do for a living and gave their experiences of working from home, with some mentioning that they lack the social aspect of being in a workplace. These local get-togethers can help as a social outlet, as workers get to know others who are nearby. Topics ranged wildly from monitoring honey-bees, Public Transport (both within and to leave Dingle Peninsula) to the importance of local food!

We all learnt something new, and we were also able to link up some people that we met with others on the Peninsula who offer a suitable service or can provide advice on their projects. Synergies like this is another great benefit of these meet and greets.

An chéad bhabhta eile: Caisleán Ghriaire / Up next: Castlegregory!

We will be in Castlegregory in the covered courtyard of Moe’s Café on the last day of June! Drop in for a coffee and chat the morning of June 30th. Make a note of the date now so you don’t forget and let other remote workers near Castlegregory know to join as well. 

We know there are lots of people working this way so if you think that there is demand for a similar get together in your area, please drop a note to info@dinglehub.com (Subject: Coffee Morning) or call us. It will be great to connect these communities and get a better picture of who is working where, what they do and want! Keep an eye on our social media for future events.

Beidh sé fíor-dheas na pobail seo a chur i dteagmháil lena chéile agus beidh sé cabhrach dúinn dar ndóigh a fháil amach cá bhfuil na daoine seo, cad atá ar siúl acu agus cad atá ag teastáil uathu! Bígí ag faire amach le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais faoin maidin chaifé agus faoi imeachtaí eile amach anseo.

Rince sa Hub / Dance Workshop

Irish Dancer Kelsey Jean Schuhle

Next month, we are pleased to accommodate a public workshop with Irish dance expert Kelsey Jean Schuhle. Not only is she a professional dancer but is also about to complete her PhD, where she has researched the art of decluttering/balancing the dance. She has been teaching dancers at the University of Limerick for several years and is now offering a special session in Dingle.

Kelsey’s percussive choreography differs from the kind of Irish dance seen in competitive and commercial scenes. She wants to give an opportunity for others to learn this other style, which she demonstrates through videos on her website. The session is suited to competent dancers (from any genre) who are interested in learning her steps.

Choose your workshops from either July 2nd and 3rd (10am – 3pm). Cost: €75.

Places can be booked directly with Kelsey via schuhlek@gmail.com. More information: www.kelseyjeanschuhle.com & social media @kelseyjeanschuhle

You and Dingle Hub

Don’t delay contacting us if you are wondering about hiring a desk, for a day or longer. We are getting busier as the tourist season picks up. Call us on 066-9150140 or drop an e-mail to info@dinglehub.com.

Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi úsáid na seomraí cruinnithe nó spáis oibre is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh linn.

To get regular news from Dingle Hub, follow us on social media. We want to network with people working on the peninsula. It’s not necessary to have or use a physical desk or office space in Dingle Hub to be part of this wider community.