Tá ball fóirne nua le cuir in aithne díbh / New member of Dingle Hub team

‘Sé Bernard Ó Súilleabháin an Riarthóir Oifige agus Tionscadail nua sa Hub. Chomh maith lena chéim i Gnó & Margaíocht tá ana thaithí aige i gcúrsaí talamhaíochta, turasóireachta, stáiseanóireachta, margaíochta agus seirbhís chustaiméara. Cuirfidh sé seo go mór leis na tionscadail atá idir lámha againn anseo sa Hub. Roimhe seo bhí Bernard ag obair (ó bhaile) le Amazon agus is iontach an rud é go bhfuilimid in ann post eile a thabhairt do dhuine áitiúil.
Is ón nGráig, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh ó dhúchas do Bhernard agus tá baint aige fós le cursaí feirmeoireachta agus turasóireachta ann. Beidh sé gnóthach go maith leis an il-iomad tascanna atá á ghlacadh aige mar chuid dá ról nua. Mar shampla, ag tuairisciú ar dhul chun cinn na dtionscadal éagsúla i gcoinne spriocanna, ag léiriú d’ár gcliaint atá ag tógaint seomraí cruinnithe nó spásanna oibre ar cíos, conas mar a oibríonn na háiseanna oibre agus ag eagrú cruinnithe lenár bpáirtnéirí seachtracha.
Deir Bernard go bhfuil sé “ag tnúth go mór le bheith ag obair ar thionscadail éagsúla, iad siúd ach go háirithe a bhaineann le fuinneamh agus talamhaíocht – tá siad ceannródaíoch!”
We have a new team member to introduce! Bernard O’Sullivan is the new Office and Projects Administrator with Dingle Hub. As well as a degree in Business and Marketing he has loads of real-world experience across agriculture, tourism, the stationery business, marketing and customer relations. All great experience to bring to the projects we run in Dingle Hub! His most recent job was with Amazon (working remotely) and it’s great that we are able to give another local person employment.
Bernard comes from Gráig near Ballyferriter where he’s still involved in farming and tourism. He has a busy and varied set of tasks on his to-do list in this new role. For example: compiling reports on how our projects are delivering against targets, showing our clients who are hiring meeting rooms or desks how the facilities work and setting up meetings with our external partners.
He says: “I’m getting to work on these great projects that Dingle Hub is involved in. I’m especially excited about the Energy and Agriculture projects – they really are cutting edge!”
Minister O’Brien visits Dingle Hub
The Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities is the latest politician to come to Dingle! It follows Eamon Ryan’s visit here at the end of June to see some of our projects in the field. Joe O’Brien TD had a much shorter visit than his party leader but spent his time here In Dingle Hub, learning about the variety of projects we are involved in.
He heard how we have expanded from our original purpose of providing office and desk facilities for remote workers to much more; with our mission now being to build a creative, liveable, sustainable low carbon community and generate well-paid, year-round incomes on Dingle Peninsula. This is an innovative model of rural development not being done in many other places. What we have developed here with our partners could be mirrored in hundreds of rural areas with their hubs expanding from office space provision to also taking on sustainability and climate change projects like we have.
We also spent time talking to Minister O’Brien about the next steps for our sustainable mobility (transport) projects, such as a Community Car, for people who only need occasional access to one. Looking forward to hearing how his Department of Rural and Community Development can help out with this and similar initiatives.
Journaling Farmers
In another example of the kind of synergies that happen at Dingle Hub, our client DGE (Dingle Global Education, who hire space from us) arranged for their current group of American students to learn about what we are doing for the future of Corca Dhuibhne.
This group attend University of California, Santa Cruz where they are taking an Academic Writing course with lecturer Professor Steve Coulter. While spending a month in the Dingle area they are focusing on travel writing. DGE has arranged a suite of experiences for the group, across three areas: digging into the past, experiencing the present, as well as looking towards the future of Dingle Peninsula (particularly from an environmental angle). At the end of each day they make a journal of these experiences.
The group and their lecturer were given an overview of how Dingle Hub is helping the area now between our project work and the facilities we provide that allow people to easily work from this remote peninsula. Our Energy and Agricultural Liaison Officer Dinny Galvin had the students in the palm of his hand, describing how the projects running now and the ones we aspire to kickstart (e.g. Anaerobic Digestor) will help protect the future for people living on our peninsula.
As a farmer himself, Dinny spoke about the future of farming here and how landowners want to be part of the solution in reducing emissions and having other positive impacts on the environment. The group was very taken with Dinny, as was he with them! It’s not the first time we’ve helped DGE like this and we are always ready to help Clients where we can. We hope we get to find out how they journaled their experiences in Dingle Hub.
Dingle voices at the Energy and Farm Business Show
There was a fantastic buzz at one of the most important energy events in this year’s calendar and it was great to be part of it! Earlier this week Deirdre de Bhailís and Dinny Galvin from Dingle Hub travelled to Tipperary for the Energy and Farm Business Show being held in Gurteen Agricultural College near Roscrea. The organisers had Deirdre chair a session about developing a community electricity project. We spoke about what had worked well in setting up the West Kerry Dairy Farmers Sustainable Energy Community and listened to other groups who have taken different approaches. We also saw the latest in technology e.g. tractors that can be run on methane gas instead of diesel.
You and Dingle Hub
Are you working from home? Bhfuil tú compordach ann? Have you thought about spending an occasional day in an office environment to see if you benefit from it? Is feidir linn cabhrú – We can help.
If you are thinking about hiring a desk, for a day or longer, check out our options on www.dinglehub.com. You can also give us a call us on 066 9150140 or send an e-mail to info@dinglehub.com.
Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi úsáid na seomraí cruinnithe nó spáis oibre is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh linn.
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We want to network with people working on the peninsula. It’s not necessary to have or use a physical desk or office space in Dingle Hub to be part of this wider community. We are always happy to hear from people!