Postanna nua le Dingle Hub / We’re recruiting for new roles
The Dingle Hub team is expanding! We are looking for a multi-skilled, open-minded and innovative Energy and Agriculture Liaison Officer and a highly organised, adaptable and resourceful Office and Project Administrator.
Tá Mol Chorca Dhuibhne ag féachaint chun Oifigeach Caidrimh Fuinnimh agus Talmhaíochta atá ildánach, leathanaigeanta agus nuálaíoch a fhostú & Riarthóir Oifige agus Tionscadail atá fíor-eagraithe, solúbtha agus seiftiúi.
Níos mó ar na postanna seo ar Vacancies page – For more details and how to apply. Deadline Wednesday, 27th April.
Anaerobic Digestion on Dingle Peninsula / Dileá anaerobach ar Corca Dhuibhne
On April 22nd Dingle Hub is hosting a public online event on Anaerobic Digestion with updates from the
Circular Bioeconomy Research groups of both MaREI and Munster Technological University. This webinar will provide environmental and economic perspectives on the role of anaerobic digestion in tackling greenhouse gas emissions with the chance to pose questions to the experts.
All are welcome to join but need to register in advance. Do this by clicking here
22ú Aibreán: Tá Mol Chorca Dhuibhne ag eagrú imeacht poiblí ar-líne faoi Dhíleá Anaeróbach leis an eolas is déanaí ó ghrúpaí Taighde ar an mBithgheilleagar Ciorclach ag MaREI agus Ollscoil Theicneolaíochta na Mumhan araon. Tabharfaidh an seimineár gréasáin seo dearcthaí timpeallachta agus eacnaimaíocha ar ról an dílea anaeróbaigh agus sinn ag dul i ngleic le hastaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa, agus an deis chun ceisteanna a chur ar na saineolaithe.
Beidh fáilte roimh chách a bheith páirteach, ach ní mór clárú roimh ré. Is féidir é seo a dhéanamh anseo.
Dingle Peninsula on Prime Time
We were happy to host RTÉ’s Prime Time team on a recent visit to Corca Dhuibhne. They wanted to see initiatives and projects happening across our beautiful peninsula that are paving the way for our transition to a low-carbon society – and how other parts of Ireland can follow in our footsteps.

The filming team talked to our General Manager, Deirde de Bhailís to see how the Hub is spearheading these initiatives before paying a visit to our friends in Spillane’s bar in the Maharees. They retrofitted their premises with help from ESB Networks Dingle Project and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
They also spent time in the Maharees tombolo with Martha Farrell of the Maharees Conservation Association, to see their Nature-based Solutions, like planting marram grass and erecting chestnut fencing to protect the sand dunes that are such an important defence against storms and rising sea levels.
This Prime Time special on climate change goes out live on Thursday 14th April at 9:30pm on RTÉ One and will be available afterwards on the RTÉ Player.
Dingle Hub Client success!

Tá áthas orainn an scéal a chloisteáil go bhfuil James Greany cliant de chuid Mhol an Daingin ainmnithe mar Fhiontraí Mhac Léinn Uile-Éireann na Bliana 2022 ag Fondúireacht Ghnó Uile-Éireann. Ní nach ionadh – bhí an-cháil air i 2021. Is iontach an gaisce atá déanta ag an bhfear óg seo ón Daingean – tugann sé inspioráid dúinn go léir i gCorca Dhuibhne, rud a leiríonn gur féidir gnó atá fréamhaithe sa cheantar a chothú go luath agus rath a bhaint amach.
Fiontraí óg is ea James Greany ó Bhaile an Daingin agus is cliant de chuid Mhol an Daingin é le blianta beaga anuas agus é i mbun a scolaíocht a chríochnú. Tá gnó rathúil aige, Skyscraper, gnó déantúsaíochta a dhéanann táirgí lipéid bháin. Déanann siad gach uile rud ó t-léine cnáibe go buidéil uisce déanta as plaisteach athchúrsáilte do líon mór cliant (in Éirinn agus thar lear) agus iad siúd ag iarraidh a mbranda a chur ar earraí inbhuanaithe den chéad scoth a dhéannn Skyscraper.
We are delighted for Dingle Hub client James Greany who has been named All-Star Student Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 by the All-Ireland Business Foundation. We shouldn’t be surprised – he was their Rising Star in 2021! An amazing achievement for this young man from Dingle – an inspiration to all on the Peninsula, showing business success can be fostered early and remain locally.
Entrepreneur James Greany from Dingle town has been a client of Dingle Hub for the last few years, while finishing off his schooling. He runs Skyscraper, a successful sustainable white label manufacturing business. They produce everything from hemp T-shirts to recycled plastic water bottles for a wide client-base (Irish and international) who want their branding on Skyscraper’s high quality sustainable materials.
It’s a good time to contact us if you are wondering about hiring a desk, a meeting room or workspace. We expect to get busier as the tourist season intensifies. Email or connect on social media.
Tá fáilte romhat dul i dteagmháil linn ar mheáin shósialta. Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi úsáid na seomraí cruinnithe nó spáis oibre is féidir teagmháil a dhéanamh linn.