Corca Dhuibhne SEC – SEAI’s Inspirational Energy Community for 2022
Hub staff with awardsCorca Dhuibhne Sustainable Energy Community is this year’s Inspirational Energy Community!

At an awards ceremony for this year’s SEAI Awards 2022 held in Dublin on October 7th, we were thrilled to win this category, especially as we were up against some fine communities around the country, particularly our running mates:

All inspirational!

With Dingle Hub as the cornerstone, this Community has established collaborations with numerous stakeholders, citizens and local communities across Dingle Peninsula as well as local and national government bodies, the business, transport and farming sectors.  Special mention to our partners on the Corca Dhuibhne 2030 initiative.  Corca Dhuibhne abú!

Corca Dhuibhne SEC

Corca Dhuibhne Sustainable Energy Community (SEC), established in 2018, is part of the collaborative Dingle Peninsula 2030 initiative. We actively collaborate with the local community, including schools, business, transport, farming and tourism sectors. Our goal is to enable broader societal changes and foster a sustainable low-carbon transition. The Dingle Hub is working to identify employment opportunities and develop a sustainable economic future for the area.

Through engaged research with MaREI, we are tracking, analysing and publishing experiential learnings. This is to help inform policy and practice, both locally and nationally. So far, engagement events have reached up to 2,000 people from all sectors of society. Activities include an Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study, audio training material, home trial on solar PV, battery management, heat pumps and electric vehicles. These projects show how collaboration can support and enable active community response.