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Feel free to contact Dingle Hub with any questions, comments or ideas you might have. Scroll down the page to see Dingle Hub staff and their respective responsibilities.
Tá fáilte romhat teagmháil a dhéanamh le Mol Chorca Dhuibhne le haon cheist, trácht, nó moladh atá agat. Déan scrolláil síos an leathanach chun teacht ar fhoireann Mhol Chorca Dhuibhne agus a bhfreagrachtaí faoi seach.
- +353 (0)66 915 0140
- info@dinglehub.com
Unit A, Cooleen Business Centre
Emlagh West
Dingle, Co. Kerry, V92 RK6R,

Deirdre’s key focus is to build a sustainable community by fostering an ecosystem that supports the creation of enterprise and employment on the Dingle Peninsula.
Contact Deidre at deirdre@dinglehub.com if you have an interest in joining or supporting Dingle Hub’s major initiatives, as outlined in our Projects section, including the Sustainable Mobility Pathfinder project.

Dinny Galvin, Agricultural Energy and Sustainability
Dinny is responsible for local, national and international farmer engagement for the various projects and for keeping abreast of new agriculture and energy schemes, measures, technologies and business opportunities, and introducing them locally where appropriate.
Contact Dinny at dinny@dinglehub.com if you’re interested in energy efficiency in agriculture.

Ann Ní Chíobháin, Tourism and Hospitality Sustainability
Ann Ní Chíobháin is a documentary producer and coordinator working on the Tourism and Hospitality SEC.
Contact Ann at ann@dinglehub.com if you need information on tourism and hospitality sustainability initiatives.

Zoë Rush, Neart na Machairí, Creative Coastal Resilience
Contact Zoë at zoe@dinglehub.com if you need information on the creative coastal resilience project.

Sinead Grehan, Financial Administrator
Contact Sinead at accounts@dinglehub.com if you need information relating to accounts at Dingle Hub.