Win an Energy Monitor for Your Business

Bar chart showing energy usage and costs, and potential savingsThe Dingle Tourism and Hospitality SEC has started pulling early findings from businesses who filled out their questionnaires and did their SEAI energy audits. Barry from DC6 Six technologies says that a typical restaurant on the peninsula can reduce emissions by 22% and save 25% on their energy bills. Total payback if all these actions are undertaken is less than 5 years when the SEAI grants are accounted for.  

We are doing a final push to get businesses on the peninsula to fill out their energy questionnaire and get involved in this project. The energy questionnaire is so important to give us an understanding of your business. Without knowing where and how you use your electricity, gas and oil; we can’t make recommendations for your business.  

We have two energy monitors to give away. These energy monitors are worth €2,000 and kindly paid for by Fáilte Ireland. They will give you in-depth knowledge into what is using up so much power in your kitchen, bar or café. Fill out your energy questionnaire to be in with a chance to win. Scan the QR code below to get the energy questionnaire. 


QR code to win an energy monitor