Ré nua! New Era for the Hub
Tá beirt nua tar éis teacht ar bord le Foireann an Mhoil i gCúilín le cúpla seachtain anuas: Tugann Hazel Blennerhasset, Bainisteoir Spás Oibre Chomhroinnte, agus Aodán Ó Conaill, Bainisteoir Cumarsáide, araon na blianta taithí leo isteach ina róil nua.
Deirdre says: We’re delighted to have two new members of the team here at Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub: Hazel and Aodán joined the team in recent weeks. It’s fantastic to find excellent candidates for these roles locally! It’s also gratifying that we can offer income to residents who otherwise might have to look further afield.
Tá sé go hiontach a bheith in ann teacht ar iarrthóirí do na róil seo go háitiúil! Is breá an rud é chomh maith, go bhfuilimid in ann ioncam a chur ar fáil do dhaoine áitiúla a bheadh orthu dul níos faide ó bhaile murach an obair seo. Guím gach rath orthu!
Hazel and Aodán both left their home-places and spent years working in the UK, so I hope their experiences of returning to Kerry can be mirrored for others who want to return here. I welcome them and I also want to thank Enterprise Ireland who have provided funding for these roles.
Deirdre, General Manager
Hazel Blennerhassett is taking responsibility for the Hub buildings and facilities. This Castlegregory native most recently worked with Fexco and is already heavily involved in upgrading the facilities in the Hub.
Tagann Aodán Ó Conaill ón Muirígh, ar bord leis an Mol agus cúrsaí cumarsáide mar chúram air, rud a chuimsíonn uasdátú an chuntas Twitter, insint d’iriseoirí faoi obair an Mhoil, agus gach saghas rud idir eatarthu.
Helping Aodán and Hazel get to grips with their new roles is Maggie Breen who has been with us since 2019. She is now exclusively focused on supporting the creative community on the Peninsula in her role as Creative Industries Manager. This feeds into one of the overall aims of the Hub: to support the creation of viable and sustainable incomes.
ESB Electric Vehicle Trial Ends

You will have seen distinctive Electric Vehicles (EV) being used in the ESB Networks’ Dingle Project across the peninsula over the past year. This 17 car trial ended on January 31st with about 360,000 kilometres being driven.
The trial’s initial findings show that EVs really are suitable for most journeys undertaken by people living in rural communities like ours. Some of the participants say they will explore purchasing EVs to replace existing petrol or diesel cars. We will share more on ESB’s trial when the analysis arrives.
We’re delighted to announce a new workshop taking place in the Hub The Great Story: An Introduction to Philosophy/ Scéal Faoi Leith: Buntreoir do Fhealsúnacht, facilitated by Kevin J. Power. Starting 22nd February, it continues on Tuesday evenings 7-9pm for 8 weeks. Kevin teaches Philosophy with UCC Adult Continuing Education and this course will explore why philosophy exists in the first place, its origins, methods of philosophy, major themes and learn to apply critical thinking skills to understand and act on contemporary issues.
Workshop will be discussion-based, interactive with peer learning. Connection and overlap with arts and literature, reconnection with nature.
Beidh an cúrsa plé-bhunaithe, idirghníomhach, le piarfhoghlaim. Nascanna agus comhréim leis an ealaíon agus an litríocht.
This Introduction to Philosophy should particularly appeal to those in the fields of education, ecology, sustainability, and creative arts. To find out more, see this post in our News section To book your place contact Kevin ASAP at innerchaptermusic@gmail.com
We want to network with people working on the peninsula. It’s not necessary to have or use a physical desk or office space in the Hub to be part of this wider community. Connect with us on social media and/or drop us a line. To book a workspace email info@dinglehub.com or call 066 9150140.
The Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub is a Community Enterprise supported by Enterprise Ireland, the Dept of Rural and Community Development through the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, eir, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Kerry Co Co and the Dingle Chamber Alliance.