Creative Industries

Helping the creative community turn their talents and skills into viable, long-term businesses

The Dingle Peninsula is a beacon for artists, writers, musicians and photographers, and Dingle Hub is helping turn this talent into flourishing local industries with viable jobs. We’re focused on three major areas: film, animation and creative writing.

Creative Writing

Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach


The peninsula is home to both film makers and film buffs, with several professional filmmakers based here, and a well-attended international film festival.  Dingle Hub hosts workshops for aspiring filmmakers covering all aspects of the art, from initial idea to filming, scoring and editing.  Check our workshops page for the latest offerings.


Dingle Hub supports a yearly animation festival that attracts top talent from around the world to give tips, hear pitches and offer training to upcoming young animators.  Dingle’s unique location contributes to an informal, relaxed atmosphere where people share insights and learn skills over pints instead of over a boardroom table.

Creative Writing

Numerous writers make their home on the peninsula: novelists, memoirists, poets, playwrights, journalists, copywriters and non-fiction writers. Dingle Hub has sponsored creative writing workshops where our seasoned writers share their skills with those aspiring to the craft.